Monday, June 11, 2012

Girls Trafficking In Nepal

            Girls trafficking is literally defined as the buying and selling of girls illegally. It is a major social crime in Nepal. It has been spread rapidly in remote areas where people are uneducated, ignorant and poor. Girls traffickers in Nepal sell the girls in India.
            Girls trafficker in Nepal seems to be challenging problem. Girls trafficers have made a complex network to supply the girls. Girls traffickers go to remote areas pretending to be social workers, teachers, official, etc. They try to influence the illiterate people. They lure the people in many ways. Some young girls traffickers pretend to be unmarried and propose the girl to get married. The innocent and ignorant people believe them. Similarly, some girl traffickers lure the girls by pretending that they would provide good jobs in India then they take the girl to India and sell them for prostitution. The innocent girls are compelled to accept it. If they deny, they are badly punished and tortured. Mainly illiteracy, unemployment and poverty are the main causes of girls trafficking.
           Girls trafficking in Nepal has stigmatized our dignity. This social evil invites many social disasters, crimes and ruins. Nowadays, a fatal diseases, AIDS has been spread rapidly because of girls trafficking too. The girls who are sold in prostitution houses come back to Nepal being HIV infected. They pass on HIV to other youths in Nepal. Some girls who are victimized by HIV and other fatal disease are likely to commit suicide. Our country is compelled to invest more money to cure the HIV infected youths. Girls trafficking is the entire violation of human rights. Therefore, girls trafficking adversely affects the prosperity of human civilization.
                The problem of girls trafficking can be solved by raising awareness and eliminating poverty. Some social organizations are doing something to eliminate the problem of girls trafficking. Their programmes should be made more effective to wipe out this problem.
                Girls trafficking is a stigma of our country. It can be uprooted by making people conscious. Everyone is responsible to solve this problem. Furthermore, girls traffickers should be sentenced life imprisonment or the capital punishment by law.

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