Monday, June 11, 2012

Wild Animals in Nepal

                 The animals which live in the jungle are called wild animals. Some of them are tigers, lions, leopard, foxes, monkeys, deer, squirrels and so on. They can be categorized into various species and groups. Some of them are carnivorous, herbivorous and omnivorous. Most of them are directly or indirectly advantageous for us.

                The animals live on land are known as terrestrial animals. They are elephant, tigers, lions, etc. The other kinds are arboreal such as monkeys, squirrels, chameleon etc. They append most of the time on trees. Generally, birds are called arial animals. They can fly in the air. The animals which live in water are categorized as aquatic animals. They are fishes, crabs, frogs etc. are called amphibians such as alligators, tortoises, frogs etc are amphibian according to their living places.
     Nowadays most of the animals are declining. Some of the animals are endangered. An animal cannot survive if its habitat is destroyed. The jungle, living place of the wild animals are endangered. An animal cannot survive if its habitat is destroyed. The jungle, the living place of the wild animal, is fast being destroyed because of different activities of the wild beings. People clear the jungle for agriculture and settlement. They cut down the trees for firewood, timber and buildings materials. Furthermore, people kill the wild animals for various purposes. The main cause of their disappearance is uncontrolled and over-population growth. We can preserve wild animals by preserving the forest, running afforestation  programmes, opening wild animals reserves and national parks and making strict rules to ban the hunting of the wild animals and birds.
        Wilds animals are absolutely advantageous for us. Firstly, to preserve them, we have to preserve the jungle. If we can preserve other natural calamities such as flood, landslides, desertification natural resources too. Similarly, we can lure foreign tourists if we provide them opportunities to see the wild animals. By the result, we can earn foreign currency from them. Our ecology and environment can be kept in balance by preserving wild animals.
          Some people claim that wild animals are harmful to us. They say that our domestic animals are killed and eaten by carnivorous wild animals. Some animals such as deer, elephants etc. destroy our crops and vegetables. Some of the wild animals are dangerous for human beings too.

     watch more images of Nepal here
 wild animals in nepal

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