Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Peasants (Farmers) of Nepal

       The people who engaged in agriculture or farming are called peasants. Most people of Nepal are peasants. They are dependent on agriculture. They are hard workers. They work hard to grow crops . They have to grow crops. They have to work in sun and rain. They have to till the land,plant seeds, irrigate crops and look after them. Too much rain or no rain or untimely rain destroys the crops. Therefore, they are much worried all the time until crops are ready for harvest. They know when to dig the field and when to plant seeds. They have to buy seeds and fertilizers and also pay those who work with them. 

      Peasants are important people for the country. The country depends on them for agricultural products. They supply raw materials to the factories and industries. They produce food crops such as rice, wheat, barley, maize, etc.. They produce beverages such as tobacco, tea, etc.. We get commercial crops such as jute, sugar-cane, cotton, etc.. They are much alert how to grow crops in all seasons.

       Along with growing crops, peasants tame animals such as cows, oxen, goats and sheep. They run poultry farming, as well. These animals, chickens, fish, etc. are also sources of income. They are also involved in bee farming. Besides, they run cottage industries for further income.

       Nevertheless, most of the peasants are poor. They are always in difficulty. They are bound to take loan from the land lord. The landlord becomes cruel to take heavy interest. When nature plays cruel trick on them, they are bound to sell their poor land to the money lenders.

       They are conservative. They follow still the traditional methods of cultivation. They do not have good seeds and fertilizers. They do not apply modern agricultural technology. Improve seeds, fertilizers and irrigation are not always and every where available. Naturally they have low production. 

      They suffer in many ways. Government's help is not sufficient. Government does not provide good markets. Indian products are imported. They make the products cheap and available everywhere. Our poor peasants are facing difficulty because their products are expensive during products but they are bound to sell them at cheap rate. They are living under poverty. They do not have enough to send their children to schools. They are in need of our help in farming as well as school.

       They need help for the improvement in their conditions of cultivation. It is necessary that we all should help them in every way.

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