Thursday, August 9, 2012

How is Nepal?

     Nepal has a monsoon climate. The heavy rains of the monsoon, originates in the Bay of Bengal, occur from June to September and begin in the eastern parts in the west. More rain falls in the east, which is closer to the moisture source. At high of altitudes, above about 20,000 ft (6000 m), there is snow rather than rain. In addition , less well defined winter occurs from December to the end of March. This precipitation tales the form of snow at altitudes above about 8000 ft (2440 m).

      The monsoon is caused by the movement of moist air north and west from the Bay of Bengal. As the moist air raises, it cools and condense as rain. This precipitation falls on the southern side of the main Himalayan rang. Generally, there is less precipitation at higher altitudes, because the clouds have already released much moisture at the lower altitudes. When the result in day air mass crosses the himalaya, it has very little moisture left to deposit on the northern sides. A rain screen thus exists on the north sides of the Himalayan, producing the xerophytic conditions in Dolpa ans Mustang.

       The winter rains enable Nepalis to grow a second crop at lower altitudes. Generally, crops are grown up to the altitude at which clouds hang during the monsoon, as the clouds limit the amount of sun available. Local factors are imensely important in determining  the rain fall and climate. Rain falling on north and west faces evaporates less, and more rain falls on steeper slopes, so there tends to be greater variety in the flora in these areas. Shady areas also have a more varied vegetation. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Status of Women in Nepal

Men and women are equal
   A single statement applicable to all the women in Nepal cannot be made as different groups of women enjoy different status. For instance, Hindu women and the women belonging to indigenous ethnic groups have different rights and suffered from different modes of oppression. The latter groups enjoy more excess and control of researchers. Indigenous women have relatively a higher degree of social mobility, and posses freedom within the private sphere. They are, however, unable to participate in the public realm due to the dominant ideology of culture being practised. Dissimilarly, Hindu women have no autonomy within private sphere, but enjoy limited positions in the public sphere. Their oppression stems from the concepts of hierarchy, the caste system, traditional thought about food, and the high value of chastity. Although the women belonging to different caste, religion and culture have different status, one thing is certain that they are being oppressed with respect to economic , socio-cultural, political and legal status which cannot be analysed into isolation because each is intrinsically tied to the next. But for the sake of clarity, each category is discussed separately.

    Let's discuss economic status. The dominant Hindu religion and culture have popularized a belief that women should be dependent on males for income from cradle to grave. Men are considered the sole breadwinners of families; and women are viewed only as domestic maternal. Women's work is confined to the household. Their responsibilities are thought to include cooking, washing, collecting fuel and firewood, fetching water, engage in agriculture, maternity, and service to males and other family members. Although their work plays a vital role, it is normally left uncounted.

Women involved in wage-labour
     The work load of Nepalese women is immense. They work about 16 hours everyday. Nepalese women are mainly engaged in agriculture work, carpet industries, and wage-labour activities. Furthermore, Nepalese women are compelled to resort to prostitution and to be sold as commercial sex workers. Because of modernization, their workload has certainly increased. Thus, they are now forced to perform triple roles: that of mother,of a traditional wife and of a community participant. Generally Nepalese women have much less access of industrial credit, both an individual and household enterprise levels irrespective of ecological regions, urban or rural areas and ethnic or castes. Complicating economic disparity is the increasing feminization of poverty. To remedy this situation, women would need full economic rights.

Dowry system
      Let's discuss socio-cultural status. Patriarchy persists as the dominant ideology under Hindu religion and culture. The constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal codified this declaring Nepal a Hindu Kingdom. The religion and its associated culture, norms and values have prevailed for hundred of years and as the result, Hindu women are more oppressed. Because of the great diversity of Nepalese society,the status of women can not be defined by Hinduism alone. These are various indigenous ethnic groups and races. Comparing to Hindu women, indigenous women have relatively better status concerning social mobility, decision making, and sexuality. But the Muslim women have the worst social status among the women belonging to different religions and cultures. The existing dowry system is to be thought to be one of the hindrances for Nepalese women. Many newly married women especially in the Terai are badly tortured by the spouse and other senior family members. The overall literacy rate of women is considerably low; only 24.7 % of Nepalese women are literate. Nepal is one of only two countries in the world where women's life expectancy is less than that of men.

Women in politics
       In Nepalese political status, Nepalese women have been involved in the political movement since the fifties but several factors have prevented them from actively participating in local and national politics. These factors include: the dominant ideology of patriarchy, male chauvinism, criminalization of policies, lack of equal property rights, restrictions on women's mobility, and domination of men in all the political parties. Only few women have gained higher public positions. An encouraging trend is the presence of  a lot of elected women representatives in the local bodies. This is due to the provision of seat reservation at this level. However, women lack the power to contribute significantly even within these roles as most of the resources are controlled by their male colleagues.
Status of women at present

 To conclude, we can mention that Nepalese women have already opened the door to achieve the destinations of their entire freedom and rights along with their responsibilities. There is no solution to this miserable condition of Nepalese women unless they are adequately and appropriately educated concerning their rights and responsibilities.

Population Problem in Nepal

Overpopulation has become a terrible problem in the world. All of the countries are suffering from this problem directly or indirectly. China, India, Nepal and other countries are suffering from problem. There is regularly change between birth rate and death rate. Birth rate was slightly higher than death rate. Therefore, world population grew at a very slow rate. A few hundred years ago, however the situation began to change, specially in the industrialized countries. With advance in nutrition, sanitation, and health people live longer. For the first time the balance between birth rate and death has been badly disturbed. During the last three centuries, the world population has been rapidly growing up.

  Rapid growth of population can be realized in Nepal too. In 1951, Nepal's population was nine million less than a half century later, that number has rose up to 23 million. We can easily assume the future of Nepal with this annual growth rate of 2.5 %. If this is not checked, Nepal's population will be double in just 28 years. By the year 2026, there will be a total of some 46 million.
   There is not any advantage of growth of population. Rather there are many disadvantages. Deforestation is result of the over population. Most of the forests have been destroyed for expansion of land or cultivation and also for building houses. Deforestation upsets the natural rain. We have comparatively less rain. Besides, there are landslides. Wild animals disappear which area also part of eco-system. Naturally, we are affected. We have less food. Our environmental conditions decline.

     Moreover because of the over population we continue to litter our surroundings. High temperatures, floods, tropical diseases and mass migrations are all the results of over population. The country cannot invest money on development fields. Therefore, Poverty, unemployment, literacy, etc. All rise higher and higher. Therefore, it is necessary to stop and control the increasing rate of population

The Peasants (Farmers) of Nepal

       The people who engaged in agriculture or farming are called peasants. Most people of Nepal are peasants. They are dependent on agriculture. They are hard workers. They work hard to grow crops . They have to grow crops. They have to work in sun and rain. They have to till the land,plant seeds, irrigate crops and look after them. Too much rain or no rain or untimely rain destroys the crops. Therefore, they are much worried all the time until crops are ready for harvest. They know when to dig the field and when to plant seeds. They have to buy seeds and fertilizers and also pay those who work with them. 

      Peasants are important people for the country. The country depends on them for agricultural products. They supply raw materials to the factories and industries. They produce food crops such as rice, wheat, barley, maize, etc.. They produce beverages such as tobacco, tea, etc.. We get commercial crops such as jute, sugar-cane, cotton, etc.. They are much alert how to grow crops in all seasons.

       Along with growing crops, peasants tame animals such as cows, oxen, goats and sheep. They run poultry farming, as well. These animals, chickens, fish, etc. are also sources of income. They are also involved in bee farming. Besides, they run cottage industries for further income.

       Nevertheless, most of the peasants are poor. They are always in difficulty. They are bound to take loan from the land lord. The landlord becomes cruel to take heavy interest. When nature plays cruel trick on them, they are bound to sell their poor land to the money lenders.

       They are conservative. They follow still the traditional methods of cultivation. They do not have good seeds and fertilizers. They do not apply modern agricultural technology. Improve seeds, fertilizers and irrigation are not always and every where available. Naturally they have low production. 

      They suffer in many ways. Government's help is not sufficient. Government does not provide good markets. Indian products are imported. They make the products cheap and available everywhere. Our poor peasants are facing difficulty because their products are expensive during products but they are bound to sell them at cheap rate. They are living under poverty. They do not have enough to send their children to schools. They are in need of our help in farming as well as school.

       They need help for the improvement in their conditions of cultivation. It is necessary that we all should help them in every way.